My mom always told me that it was
exceptionally cold for the time of the year that day in March when I was born
61 years ago. I was the first born in the family and the first grandchild.

My grandmother, (the mother of my
dad) was a World War 2 widow and lived with us taking care of the house and,
most important, of the kitchen till the day she, suddenly, passed away in March
1969 only 61 years old.
My grandma had a huge
impact on the developing of my taste and on how to experience food. I cannot
remember anymore what she fed me as a baby but I am pretty sure that I got,
like all the other babies in
those years, a type of mashed potatoes with vegetables (carrots, fresh peas, cauliflower) for lunch and a type of fruit compote (mostly with banana and orange juice) mixed with LIGA - Betterfood cookies specially developed for babies and toddlers.
You have to know that in those
days there were no convenience baby foods in the supermarkets, all was homemade
from scratch!
My grandmothers cooking style (and
I spend hours at her side while she was at the stove) was simple, no-nonsense
but most of all tasty. A cuisine based on potatoes, butter, milk, vegetables
and pork meat, the products of the region available on the market in the
sixties of last century. Beef was only eaten as ‘Carbonnades a la Flamande’
(Beef stew in Beer sauce), a typical and classic dish in Belgium and the Nord
of France and as a ‘Roast beef’ on special occasions.

Tradition was that families had
only one warm meal a day, if possible served at lunchtime. For families where
the parents (mostly the father) was working and didn’t had the opportunity to
go home for lunch, the warm meal was served in the evening.
Breakfast was always
bread, butter and jam or ‘Kwatta’ chocolate paste. Some days there was fried
egg with a strip of bacon or some cooked ham or a slice of Gouda cheese. For
the kids there was always, and not drinking was absolutely no option, milk.
Note that in those days yogurt,
cereals and fruits were not on the breakfast menu, and nobody had ever heard of

The main dish was always composed
around the three basics: potatoes, vegetables and meat. Pasta didn’t exist on
the market those days and it was also around 1970 that the first spaghetti
would pop up. And, by the way, for pizza you had to wait till that time also.
Rice wasn’t eaten as a side dish but only used to make desserts.
My grandma was, what
we would call now a ‘seasonal’ cook, not because she was ahead of her time, but
the market had only those products to offer whom were in season. This was
before the days of temperature controlled greenhouses, special packaging
techniques and imports from abroad.
We didn’t had a
garden ourselves but we were lucky enough to have some neighbors who were
growing vegetables and were my grandma could buy fresh carrots, peas, beans,
cabbage (three colors: white, green and red!), celery, leaks, cauliflower,
tomatoes, lettuce….but all in season. Buying lettuce or green beans in wintertime
was nearly impossible. That was the time of the cabbages, salsify, celeriac,
Brussels sprouts and winter carrots.
Potatoes were always there. As
simple cooked potatoes in salted water, as a puree (mashed potatoes with butter
and some milk) and as ‘stoemp’ (mashed potatoes with vegetables), the comfort
food par excellence! And of course, the homemade Belgian Fries!
With the vegetables
and the potatoes there was always some meat. Mostly we ate pork meat as it was
widely available and very affordable. At least once a week we had pork
sausages, another day it was a pork chop or meatballs. One of my favorite dishes of my grandma were
her meatballs in tomato sauce, also one of those very traditional Belgian
dishes but I liked also very much her red cabbage with mashed potatoes and a
fresh pork sausage or green beans with onion sauce and a pork chop.
And on
Sundays, her Pork Fricassee with mushrooms or steak with fries
and a salad dressed with homemade mayonnaise.
Time flies. This March on the 28th,
48 years ago, my grandma passed away. But one thing is for sure: she made me
the foodie I am today, longtime before the word was invented!
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